How to Remove a Broken Drill Bit?

Breaking a drill bit while working on a project is inconvenient, but it’s not unusual, especially when dealing with complex materials or unanticipated impediments. The good news is that removing a damaged drill bit is possible and does not necessitate abandoning your job. In this detailed tutorial, we will bring you through the step-by-step procedure of securely and successfully extracting a damaged drill bit from various materials. So, let’s go into the world of do-it-yourself problem-solving and figure out how to remove a broken drill bit.

How to Remove a Broken Drill Bit?

  1. Assess the Situation

Take a deep breath and analyze the issue as the first step. Examine the location, angle, and also depth of the fractured drill bit within the material. This evaluation will assist you in determining the best technique of removal and preventing further harm to your project. If the bit is partially visible, it may be easier to remove than if it is entrenched.

  1. Gather the Necessary Tools

Gather the appropriate instruments before trying any removal process. Depending on your chosen method, you’ll need pliers, needle-nose pliers, vice grips, a center punch, a hammer, a tiny chisel, a drill, a pair of easy outs or screw extractors, and lubricating oil also.

  1. Use Lubrication

If the damaged drill bit is stuck due to friction or corrosion, lubricating oil can help with the removal procedure. Allow a few hours or overnight for the lubricant to enter the region around the broken bit. This will aid in loosening the surrounding material’s hold on the bit.

  1. Make use of pliers or needle-nose pliers.

If the broken drill bit is protruding from the surface, you may be able to carefully twist it out using pliers or needle-nose pliers. This approach works well if the bit is not firmly lodged and you have a solid grasp on it.

  1. Try Vise Grips

Vise grips are a handy tool for more difficult conditions. Gently twist the vice grips around the exposed area of the broken bit anticlockwise. The vise’s grip provides extra torque, making it simpler to turn the bit out. To minimize further damage to the surrounding material, remember to apply steady and uniform pressure.

how to remove a broken drill bit
  1. Use a Center Punch and Hammer

If the broken piece is flush with or slightly below the surface, you can try using a center punch and a hammer. Tap the center punch with a hammer as near to the center of the bit as feasible. This may result in a minor depression that will serve as a starting point for drilling.

  1. Drill into the shattered bit

Drilling into the broken bit may appear to be a paradoxical procedure, but it may be useful, especially if the bit is composed of a softer material than the underlying material. Make a pilot hole in the center of the fractured bit using a smaller drill bit. Increase the drill bit size gradually until you reach a size that permits you to insert an easy-out or screw extractor.

  1. Use Easy Outs or Screw Extractors

Easy outs, also known as screw extractors, are specialized tools designed to grab and turn out damaged fasteners, such as drill bits. Turn the easy out or screw extractor anticlockwise into the hole you drilled. The tool will grab the broken bit and allow you to spin it out gently and steadily. Applying too much force may result in the extractor breaking within the hole.

  1. Apply Heat

Heat can help the surrounding material expand somewhat, perhaps releasing the hold on the broken bit. Heat the area surrounding the bit using a heat gun or a propane flame also. Once heated, try extracting the bit with pliers, vice grips, or other removal techniques.

  1. Seek Professional Assistance

If all of your attempts to remove the damaged drill bit fail, it’s time to seek expert assistance. A trained expert or mechanic may have the necessary skills and specialized tools to handle the problem without causing more damage to your project.

how to remove a broken drill bit


How to remove a broken drill bit? Removing a damaged drill bit may appear to be a difficult operation, but with the correct equipment and procedures, it is a task that can be completed. Remember to thoroughly examine the problem, select the right technique, and be patient throughout the process. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a newbie, being able to deal with unexpected setbacks like this is a valuable skill that will serve you well in all of your future endeavors. So, don’t allow a broken drill bit put your project on hold; instead, use this approach to get back on track with your DIY projects.


  • What should I do if my drill bit breaks while drilling?

If your drill bit breaks while drilling, stop immediately to prevent further damage. Follow the steps below to safely remove the broken bit from the material.

  • What tools do I need to remove a broken drill bit?

You’ll need needle-nose pliers, a center punch, a hammer, a small drill bit, a drill, safety glasses, and possibly lubricating oil.

  • How do I start the removal process?

Begin by putting on safety glasses. This is important to protect your eyes from any flying debris.

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